Sesame Street has been a beloved children’s television show for over 50 years. Entertaining and educating young audiences with its lovable characters and catchy songs. In recent years, the show has expanded beyond the television screen with the introduction of the Learn with Sesame Street app. This mobile app designed to provide young children with fun and educational activities.
This app is available for both iOS and Android devices. And offers a variety of games and activities aimed at children between the ages of two and five. The app is free to download and use, although some features require an in-app purchase.
Features and activities of Sesame Street App
Here are some of the features and activities offered by the Learn with Sesame Street app:
Letter and Number Recognition
One of the primary focuses of the Learn with Sesame Street app is to teach children about letters and numbers. The app offers various games and activities that help children recognize letters and numbers. As well as their sounds and shapes. For example, the “Letter of the Day” feature introduces children to a new letter each day and offers games and activities to reinforce that letter’s sound and shape.
Vocabulary Building
In addition to letters and numbers, the Learn with Sesame Street app also helps children build their vocabulary. The app offers various games and activities that teach children about different words and their meanings. For example, the “Word Play” feature challenges children to match words with their corresponding pictures.
Social and Emotional Learning with Sesame Street App
This app has always been known for its focus on social and emotional learning. And the Learn with Sesame Street app is no different. The app offers games and activities that teach children about emotions, empathy, and social skills. For example, the “Feelings” feature helps children identify different emotions and express their own feelings.
Science and Math Skills with Sesame Street App
The Learn with Sesame app also helps children develop their science and math skills. The app offers games and activities that teach children about basic scientific concepts, such as weather and the environment, as well as simple math skills, such as counting and basic addition and subtraction.
Parental Controls and Progress Tracking
The Learn with Sesame includes parental controls that allow parents to customize the app for their child’s specific needs. Parents can also track their child’s progress through the app and receive updates on their child’s achievements and areas that may need improvement.
Overall, the Learn with Sesame Street app is a fun and engaging way for young children to learn and develop important skills. The app is designed to be both entertaining and educational, offering a variety of games and activities that keep children engaged and interested.
However, it is important to note that while the app can be a useful tool for learning. It should not be relied upon as the sole source of education for young children. It is still important for parents to engage in hands-on learning activities with their children and provide them with a variety of learning experiences.
In conclusion, the Learn with Sesame Street app is a great resource for parents looking to supplement their child’s learning with fun and educational activities. With its focus on letters, numbers, vocabulary, social and emotional learning. And science and math skills, the app offers a well-rounded learning experience for young children. Plus, with parental controls and progress tracking, parents can feel confident in their child’s learning progress.